EN511 measures gloves on 3 different criteria
Protection against convective cold
This is a measure of a glove’s insulative performance. It supplies an indication of a glove’s performance in generally cold conditions. The rating is a score of between 1 and 4 with 4 offering the most protection.
Protection against contact cold
This rating is very similar to the convective rating in terms of an indication of general protection. It is measured on the transfer of heat when the glove is in contact with a cold surface. Again, the rating is between 1 and 4 with 4 being the best performance.
Permeability to water
A glove that has no permeability is a much higher standard than what is generally referred to in the industry as water resistant or waterproof. This focuses on water penetration into the glove and is a pass/fail score. Gloves that are not tested are given an X with a score of 0 being a failure and 1 a pass.