Why An Investment in High-Quality PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is so Important

As an employer, protecting your staff from injury should be the number one priority. Supplying high quality PPE for your workforce will not only enhance overall safety but in the long term it can help protect your bottom line.

At PK Safety we firmly believe that investing in appropriate and high-quality PPE is a critical strategic initiative to protect a company’s performance.

In the current climate, there has never been a better time to look at the true benefits and opportunities of fully protecting your staff. Let us look at why:

Using Appropriate PPE Reduces the Likelihood of Injuries

Any injury in the workplace is one too many. For safety managers who deal with the costs associated with injuries, they would firmly agree.

By investing in PPE appropriate to your work activities, you are placing an emphasis on improving safety culture within your operations and showing your employees that you care.

When you consider the true cost of an injury within your workforce due to an accident, the cost of investing in higher quality PPE which could reduce or remove the likelihood of injury, is a cost-effective option.

If a staff member suffers an injury in the workplace, you will not only be liable for individual costs relating to time off work, insurance claims and increased premiums, but also the possible costs of replacing a staff member due to injury – recruitment, inductions and training can quickly become a costly exercise. 

Minimising your staff absences is a critical part of business wellbeing. Provide the best PPE possible for your staff to help with your workforce wellbeing plan and keep your employees as safe as possible.

Using Appropriate PPE Improves Employee Retention

Let us face it, no one wants to work for an organization with a negative safety culture. Supplying the best PPE possible for your staff will not only keep your employees physically safe but will make them feel appreciated.

Happy staff that recognize an employer’s commitment to their safety and well-being whilst at work are much less likely to look for alternative roles. Staff retention is key to maximising a business’s financial operational profitability. High employee turnover rates can very quickly become a costly exercise.

Using Appropriate PPE Provides a Competitive Advantage

Creating a positive safety culture within your organization can lead to many competitive advantages. Many companies now place a large emphasis on the safety culture and records of those they choose to partner with.

Being able to show an exceptional safety record is a great way to highlight your commitment to creating a premium safety programme within your organization. Investing in the correct PPE for your staff is an important visual representation of your safety culture.

Using Appropriate PPE Improves Productivity

Employee productivity has always been a key driver to profitability, never more so than during economic and financial crises. If an employee does not feel safe whilst at work, it is unlikely they will be able to work to their full potential.

Not only this, if an accident occurs in the workplace, the incident will not only affect the injured party, but will have a detrimental impact on the wellbeing and productivity of co-workers.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Safety Culture?

There are many ways that you can improve the safety culture of your organization. Here are our simple steps to address any safety problems before they become an issue:

  • Undertake a comprehensive safety audit of your organization. Understanding your operational hazards in more detail will allow you to prepare and protect your employees appropriately.
  • Audit your current PPE provisions and assess if they are the right choice for you. In many cases, investing in higher quality PPE will save money in the long term.

For instance, using a cheaper glove that costs 20% less but is less durable and needs to be replaced twice as often, will affect your bottom line in the long term. As the age old saying goes, buy cheap, buy twice!

  • Engage with your staff and ask what is important to them? What do they need to be able to do their jobs safely and comfortably?
  • Work with suppliers and engage in user trials. At PK Safety we actively encourage user trials be undertaken to establish the best working relationships between our customers and manufacturers. Our team have an extensive knowledge of the safety and performance features of our products and can work alongside organizations to get the choice right for their operations.

If you want to talk to us about any of the garments and PPE fill in the form below