Increasing the environmental efficiency of cleaning operations is a high priority for cleaning teams as the impact of our carbon footprint becomes more and more plain.
At PK Safety we enjoy working with customers to help them reduce waste and carbon emissions by using products that are designed with the environment in mind.
One quick win cleaning teams can achieve is to get their dilution rates consistently correct.
Doing this will reduce usage and therefore decrease the packaging and transportation needed to replenish stocks. It will also ensure that the cleaning chemical used will be administered in safe quantities that won’t harm or damage the environment once applied.
For the most hassle-free easy-dosing system our customers use the Clover DOSE-it products. The DOSE-it range covers the complete choice of chemicals needed to clean any facility and ensures that users always provide the correct dose with a cap-fill closure on the bottles. Users do not have to install any expensive equipment meaning minimum interruption to service when implementing the products.
For teams that want greater precision or use higher volumes we suggest getting a dosing machine.
The ULTRA range of chemicals and machines are available in a variety of formats for different workplaces from Clover Christeyns.
For customers wanting to go a step further we recommend the SoluPak range of cleaning chemicals
SoluPak chemicals as a dissolvable powder in water-soluble packs. The emissions involved in manufacturing, transporting and storing SoluPak are drastically reduced in comparison to conventional chemicals.
At PK Safety we’ve calculated that in the first year of selling SoluPak we’ll save 97 tonnes of CO2 emissions, 15 tonnes of plastic and 80 cubic metres of plastic.
Check out the Solupak range >>> https://www.pksafetyuk.com/shop/janitorial/cleaning-sachets
If you want to speak to one of our team about the products you can use to improve your carbon footprint then get in touch with us on 01443 741999.