Improving environmental impact and cutting down waste and carbon are important focus areas for a lot of procurement professionals these days.
A core part of awarding any contract to a supplier is considering the social value delivered to the area in which the contract is carried out. Social value can include promoting economic, social, or environmental well-being.
With the focus of many people being drawn to the effects of global warming and the real-life impacts of excessive waste and energy consumption it is becoming a bigger priority for many procurement professionals.
The difficulty is in creating realistic and tangible improvements in the delivery of contracts. Many contracts involve the supply of goods where it is difficult to evidence the impact that the supplier is having on the environment.
More and more client organisations want to go beyond accreditation to ISO 14001 or another environmental standard. They want to see hard evidence that the supplier is having a tangible environmental impact.
This can be quite difficult to calculate and evidence.

Until now!
PK Safety are now distributors of the SoluPak range.
SoluPak is a range of cleaning chemicals that provides users with dramatic reductions in waste packaging, storage space, manual handling, and carbon emissions.
The cleaning chemicals in the SoluPak range are provided in capsule form. These capsules contain the active cleaning agents in a film that breaks down on contact with water, the cleaning agents then dissolve into the water and provide an effective cleaning chemical.
By virtually eliminating any repeat orders of plastic containers or packaging the SoluPak products have a massive impact on packaging waste, carbon emissions and the availability of storage space.
By replacing our current range of all-purpose cleaners, sanitising products, floor cleaners, washroom chemicals and degreasers we’re going to save 97 tonnes of carbon emissions and 15 tonnes or 80m3 of waste packaging.
That’s just in the first year!! That saving is then repeated each year after that.....
Get in touch with us to discuss with our cleaning experts how you could use the SoluPak range to maintain clean and healthy workplaces as well as drastically improve your environmental impact.
You can download the brochure, request an environmental impact estimate, or ask us for a trial...after all …. cleaning is believing!