The waste sector is a notoriously dangerous industry to work in. There are a vast range of different risks and ways injuries can work in.
It’s one of the reasons why we’re so passionate about working with local authority's waste and recycling departments and their contractors. It’s an area where we feel we can have a significant impact on safety and wellbeing.
Every year the HSE puts together a report giving an overveiw of the performance of the main industry sectors that make up the UK’s workforce.
In 2020-21 the waste industry had 5 fatalities. This was an improvement on the previous year, however the annual average of fatalities in the waste sector over the last 10 years remains at 18 times greater than the UK average.
There were 4,000 other (non-fatal) injuries recorded. This accounts for 3.6% of the waste workforce, as opposed to a UK average of 1.8%.
Whilst the UK average for ill-health cases sits at 3.3% of a workforce, the waste industry last year was 4.1% with 5,000 cases.
What can we do to improve these figures?
Well, here’s 3 quick suggestions that we’ve got from looking at the figures behind the stat’s.
Increase pedestrian/worker visibility
One of the biggest causes of fatalities in the waste sector is being struck by moving vehicles or plant (30%). To work on this, we need to increase worker visibility (with hi-vis clothing options) and to work on making communications between drivers and operatives clearer (maybe try using the Stop’N’Go range of gloves that PK Safety distribute).
Get the best possible footwear
30% of non-fatal injuries are caused by slips, trips and falls. A great way to avoid this kind of accidents is to improve the slip resistance that your footwear is providing and to choose footwear with soles that provide greater grip and durability. Look for models with an “SRC” slip rating and rubber sole construction.
Ensure your workers are fully trained and aware of potential risks
Ill health cases are becoming more and more prevalent with a common cause being musculoskeletal disorders (33%). One way to improve awareness and action around this is to provide bespoke on-site training with accredited providers and to ensure that all the equipment your operatives use is ergonomically designed.
If you want to have a chat with us about how we can help you improve safety on your site or in your operations then give us a shout on 01443 741999 or send and email to sales@pksafetyuk.com.