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The Health & Safety Executive (HSE) provides a wide range of advice and guidance on how companies and organisations can ensure the working conditions of their workplaces are safe, healthy and compliant. 

This advice is generated for different specific “problem” sectors. 

One of these sectors is the waste & recycling industry. 

As we often point out the waste industries performance is historically much worse than UK averages. 

The HSE has released a Sector Plan for the Waste and Recycling industry.  This outlines their main objectives in dealing with companies operating in this area. 


These objectives are: 

A reduction in the number of people killed by moving vehicles/caught in moving machinery 

A reduction in the cases of MSDs (musculoskeletal disorders) and occupational lung health  

Ownership of the challenges by industry and leadership on implementing solutions 

As a supplier of local authorities and their waste departments and contractors we want to participate in achieving the 3rd objective. 

There are a variety of ways we can help our customers on the first 2 objectives.  Here are some of them: 

Increase worker visibility. Ensure that your workers can be clearly seen by drivers with comfortable and durable hi-vis garments. 

Make driver/assistant communications clearer. We’re distributors of the Stop’N’Go range of gloves.  This is a solution designed specifically to combat accidents, injuries and fatalities that occur with reversing vehicles. 

Reduce slips, trips and falls.  By using footwear designed to provide a better grip with the floor surface you’ll help avoid trips and slips that could lead to employees being caught in moving machinery.  You can also reduce the likelihood of slips by using the correct floor cleaner for your workplace. 

Efficient and comfortable respiratory protection. Providing workers with respiratory protective equipment that is suited to the task and environment is crucial to avoiding long term lung disease.  You need to ensure that it is efficient, comfortable and compliant. 

Manual handling posters. Ensure your workers are reminded regularly of correct manual handling procedures to avoid incorrect posture and method leading to long term muscle and joint complaints. 

If you want to talk to us about any of the products mentioned above, then give us a shout.  We’ll be able to arrange trials for you in your workplace.  Give us a shout on 01443 743398 or email us at